Meet Dmitry Vasnev


  • Tell us about your story:
    • What is the name of your book?What genre is it?
      • Thriller – Techno Thriller
    • When and where is your tale set?
      • This thriller spans cities around the world including Luxemburg, Spain, U.S., Australia, China, and Russia. Cybercrime has no boundaries.
  • Who are you?
    • What is your name?
      • Dmitry Vasnev, Russian Minister of Information Propagation
      Are you a fictional or historical character?
      • Fictional but my role as a Cyber Czar here in Russia is real.
      What’s your role in the story – are you the protagonist or a supporting character?
      • I am a war hero that was badly wounded in the Afghanistan conflict. I consider myself a Russian patriot and therefore am justified in my cyber policies to crush our adversaries.
      Are you a human, animal, alien, robot, or something completely different?
      • I, Dmitry, am very much human unless you cross with me and I become your revenging nightmare.
    • Do you consider yourself to be good, bad, or indifferent?  Would others agree with this assessment – why, or why not?
      • My adversaries don’t understand my role as the Cyber Czar in Russia. We have so many enemies that to hear them talk, one might think I’m an evil person. Nothing is further from the truth. Why even my archrival in China, Chairman Lo Chang, calls me friend. We have weekly cyber games that allows each of us to put the stress of our government duties aside and just be gamers for a few hours.
  • What do we need to know about you?
    • What is your personal goal?  I mean, what do you ultimately want?
      • I, Dmitry, desire service to my country of Russia in the face of so much racial bigotry and stereotypical classifications leveled at my nation. Is it too much to ask that a few Rubles collected from my activities find their way into my private offshore bank accounts? Retirement in the future should be comfortable.
      What is standing in your way?  What conflict(s) do you face?
      • There always seems to be some self-righteous organization trying to insert themselves into my country’s activity with the intent of interfering with my plans. Russia has a good justice system. We deliver fair government efforts, and our care for the common citizen is always first in our decisions. This CATS team has taken on a sinister vigilante role with our state policies, insisting we return hard won cryptocurrency in fair competition.
      Why is this goal important to you?  What’s your motivation?
      • I, Dmitry, am constantly reminded of the betrayal of my battle tank group in Afghanistan by those who wrongly believed we were acting like invaders. Even today, our adversaries believe we are out to attack or steal. We must protect our way of life from those who would challenge us.
    • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?
      • My war wounds plague me to this day. I wish I’d been spared the rocket attack that set my tank on fire. But that attack and my blind rage made me the war hero today that led to my appointment as the Russian cyber czar. Perhaps I should look on that time as a blessing.
  • How do I get a copy of your book?
    • Is it available now, or when can we expect to see it released?


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